Forms & Documentation
Other documents
Assessment of PBO’s Election Proposal Costing Service for the 44th General Election (November 2021)
This report presents an assessment of the Parliamentary Budget Officer’s election proposal costing service during the 44th General Election. It includes recommendations to further enhance the quality and efficacy of this service for our clients and the broader public.
Costing Election Proposals for the 44th Canadian Federal Election (September 2020)
This report describes PBO’s administrative protocols and analytical framework for estimating the financial cost of election campaign proposals.
Evaluation of Election Proposal Costing 2019 (January 2020)
Over four months in 2019 (June 24 to October 20), PBO successfully costed over 200 requests from political parties. PBO has undertaken a comprehensive review of the content and process underpinning Canada’s first Election Proposal Costing (EPC) service.
Estimating the Financial Cost of Election Campaign Proposals: A Framework (November 2018)
This report describes PBO’s administrative protocols and analytical framework for estimating the financial cost of election campaign proposals.